Teaching Archive

Bangladesh Studio (B.Sc.) – Resilient community upgrading

Building on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) – goal 11 (Sustainable cities and communities) - this studio will be dealing with the crucial issue of the right to housing in the global south read more

Design Studio WS 2022/23

Thursday, 14:00-18:00h
Prof. Dr. Astrid Ley, Shaharin Annisa, Dr. Josefine Fokdal


Urban and Regional Planning I

This course is an invitation to examine urban and regional planning practices and the underlying thoughts of what planning is or should be based on a range of international planning examples. read more

Lecture WS 2022/23

Wednesday, 8:45h-13h
Prof. Dr. Astrid Ley, Prof. Dr. Jörn Birkmann


On the way to more sustainability, the United Nations have adopted 17 global goals for sustainable development (SDG), which are to be implemented by cities and communities at the local level. read more

Seminar WS 2022/23

Wednesday, 09:45h-13:00h,
Room 9.06
Dr. Sigrid Busch, Marlene Franck

Urban Planning II / UPPSUM II

Elective / Seminar The course is offered in combination with Regional Planning II (IREUS) read more

Seminar SS 2022

Wednesday, 11:30-13:00h,
Room 1.08 / M 11.11
(K1 building, 1st floor)
hybrid and online
Prof. Dr. Astrid Ley, Dr. Josefine Fokdal, Dr. Dan Teodorovici


In this design studio, public space management, bottom-up governance and participatory development will be emphasized read more

Design Studio WS 2021/22

Thursday, 14:00-18:00h
Online (WEBEX-Meetings) and hybrid (if applicable)
Prof. Dr. Astrid Ley, Shaharin Annisa, Dr. Josefine Fokdal


Urban and Regional Planning I

This course is an invitation to examine urban and regional planning practices and the underlying thoughts of what planning is or should be based on a range of international planning examples. read more

Lecture WS 2021/22

Wednesday, 8:45h-13h
Online (WEBEX) and hybrid (if applicable)
Prof. Dr. Astrid Ley, Prof. Dr. Jörn Birkmann


This course aims to support urban analyses that follow a holistic approach and to visualize the results of these analyses in a way that experts and local stakeholders can understand and assess. read more

Seminar WS 2021/22

Wednesday, 09:45h-13:00h
Online (WEBEX-Meetings)
Dr. Sigrid Busch

Urban Planning II

Elective / Seminar The course is offered in combination with Regional Planning II (IREUS) read more

Lecture SS 2021

Wednesday, 11:30-13:00h, Online
Prof. Dr. Astrid Ley, Yassine Moustanjidi, Shaharin Annisa

P.S. Sarajevo_Stuttgart

This studio aims at investigating the use and redefinition of public space under COVID-19. read more

Design Studio WS 2020/21

Thursday, 9:00-14:00h
Online (WEBEX-Meetings)
Prof. Dr. Astrid Ley, Dr. Josefine Fokdal, Rainer Goutrié, Raphael Dietz



The primary objective of this course is to investigate how digital tools are used in various urban resilience projects. read more

Seminar WS 2020/21

Thursday, 14:00h-17:30h
Online (WEBEX-Meetings)
Dr. Sigrid Busch


In this design studio, we will study the correlation between urban form, governance, and collaborative action within neighborhood transformation projects read more

Design Studio WS 2020/21

Wednesday, 9:00-13:00h
Online (WEBEX-Meetings)
Prof. Dr. Astrid Ley, Shaharin Annisa, Yassine Moustanjidi


Urban and Regional Planning I

This course is an invitation to examine urban and regional planning practices and the underlying thoughts of what planning is or should be based on a range of international planning examples. read more

Lecture WS 2020/21

Wednesday, 8:45h-13h
Blended Learning and Online (WEBEX)
Prof. Dr. Astrid Ley, Prof. Dr. Jörn Birkmann