
Planning and urbanism in a global context

We will look at global urbanisation processes across different geographies and types of cities; at planning instruments, urban management, and urban governance in an international context; read more

Seminar WS 2024/2025

Mondays, 13:30-17:30

Prof. Dr. Astrid Ley, Dr. André Müller, Dr. Manuel Heckel

Room 9.06. K1


Investigating co-production and well-being in an informal settlement community. This seminar is open to students enrolled in the studio project  “COMMUNITY-BASED CO-PRODUCTION – CAPE TOWN STUDIO” read more

Seminar WS 2024/2025

Wednesdays, 09:45 – 13:00

Prof. Dr. Astrid Ley, Shaharin Annisa & Dr. Sigrid Busch

Room 6.05, K1

Community-based co-production – Cape Town Studio

The studio aims to develop ideas and strategies for co-produced interventions in an informal settlement in Cape Town, South Africa. read more

Design Studio WS 2024/2025

Thursdays, 14:00 – 18:00

Prof. Dr. Astrid Ley, Shaharin Annisa, Dr. Sigrid Busch

Room 8.06, K1


Urban Planning I - This lecture is based on the premise that international urban planning is an inherently political activity, read more

Lecture WS 2024/2025

Wednesdays, 09:45–13:00 

Prof. Dr. Astrid Ley & Prof. Dr. Jörn Birkmann


Methods and Tools

Planning and designing sustainable and livable urban futures requires different skills and abilities read more

Seminar WS 2024/2025

Mondays, 14:00 – 18:00

Els Keunen, Shaharin Annisa & Kristen Jakstis

Prof. Dr. Astrid Ley, Prof. Dr. Leonie Fischer

Städtischer Verkehr

Stadtplanung und Verkehrsplanung sind eng miteinander verzahnt und müssen integriert entwickelt werden. read more

Seminar WS 2024/25

Fridays, 14:30-17:00h

Dipl. Ing. Andreas Hemmerich, Landeshaupstadt Stuttgart

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