Dipl. Ing. Ute Vees

Dipl. Ing. Ute Vees

Dipl. Ing. Ute Vees

Researcher and Lecturer, PHD Candidate

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Researcher and lecturer at the Chair of International Urbanism, University of Stuttgart
Project coordinator: SDGs GoGlocal! A research and learning network between Windhoek, Cairo and Stuttgart, for integrated settlement planning and and localizing the SDGs.

Phd Candidate at the Chair of International Urbanism, University of Stuttgart

Academic Associate at the Chair of Urban Design, Stuttgart State Academy of Arts

Research Assistant at the Professorship of Green Technologies for Landscape Architecture, Technical University of Munich

Research Assistant at the Institute for Principles of Modern Architecture [Design and Theory] IGMA, University of Stuttgart

Office Member at Daniel Schönle – architecture and urban plannning, Stuttgart

Diploma at the University of Stuttgart, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning on community development and upcycling processes in Guatemala City


CV Summary

Ute Vees is a lecturer and researcher at the department for International Urbanism. She previously worked in teaching and research at the Chair of Urban Design, Stuttgart State Academy of Arts (ABK), at the Professorship of Green Technologies for Landscape Architecture, Technical University of Munich and at the Institute for Principles of Modern Architecture (IGMA), University of Stuttgart. Within the last years she supported in building networks with universities, particularly on the African continent, and led the project “The Role of Higher Education in Urban Design in the Context of Rapid Urbanization” funded by the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts (MWK).

She has worked and collaborated with architecture and planning offices in process-oriented and participatory projects and has experience in designing, organizing and implementing integrated collaborative planning processes.

Her research and interest include co-productive and strategic urbanism as well as the relation between society and nature in the context of rural-urban transformations. Thus, her PhD is looking at human-nature relationships in Sub-Saharan Africa, taking a medium-sized town in Ethiopia as a case study.

At the department for International Urbanism Ute Vees teaches in the international master’s program Integrated Urbanism and Sustainable Design (IUSD) and coordinates the DAAD funded project `SDGs GoGlocal! Translocal and transdisciplinary teaching and research to ground the SDGs through integrated urban development ` as a project between Windhoek, Cairo and Stuttgart.


VEES, U. and HOELZEL F. (in print 2022): Learning from Sub-Saharan African Urban Complexities: Students as Knowledge. Conference Paper, International Forum on Urbanism (IFoU), Bordeaux National School of Architecture and Landscape

LUDWIG F., MIDDLETON W. and VEES U. (2019): “Living Wood and Organic Joints”, in: Markus Hudert, Sven Pfeiffer (Hg.): Rethinking Wood.

LUDWIG, F., SCHÖNLE D. and VEES U. (2016): Building Architecture with Nature, In: International Online Journal Biotope City.