GOGLOCAL (2021-2022)

The GO GLOCAL! research project aims to establish a community of practice in an international framework between Windhoek (Namibia) and Stuttgart (Baden-Württemberg), which identifies ways to adapt the climate-relevant Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to the needs of the local level, while ensuring that civil society is heard on an equal footing.

Co-productive approaches to SDG monitoring at local level were tested combining both qualitative and quantitative data. Moreover, a new generation of practitioners will be trained in applying integrated and co-productive planning approaches through innovative learning and teaching formats.

In particular, the project focuses on:

1. Training a new generation of practitioners in the application of integrated planning approaches for the concrete implementation of the SDGs at local level
2. Developing a cross-city approach to assessing the relevant SDGs at city level
3. Testing a co-productive approach to data collection, analysis and monitoring at city level

Lead Researcher: Städtebau-Institut (SI), Universität Stuttgart / Chair of International Urbanism
Contact at SI: Prof. Dr. Astrid Ley
Funded by: MWK – Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts

The results of the project are summarized in three training modules, each in the format of a 10-15 minute video clip: