The Department of International Urbanism cordially invites you to join the TRIALOG conference 2019 “Whose knowledge counts? The meaning of co-productive processes for urban development and urban research” at the University of Stuttgart, Germany.
Recent policy discourses about sustainability and grand transformation, which became manifest in the Sustainable Development Goals, the New Urban Agenda or the Paris Climate Agreement, center around the role of cities and urban development. However, aligned approaches can only be successful if they go beyond conventional forms of knowledge production and include the complex landscape of actors in urban development. This calls for knowledge production in urban development to be questioned and newly conceptualized.
The following keynote lectures will elaborate on co-productive processes for urban development and urban research:
Steve Ouma Akoth
Dept. of Applied Economics, Kenyatta University
Southern Urbanism and Co-production in Urban Spaces
07.11.2019, 6pm Hosptitalhof Stuttgart, Goes Saal
Roderick Lawrence
Inst. of Environmental Science, University of Geneva
Transdisciplinary contributions in urban contexts
08.11.2019, 9.15 am, University of Stuttgart, Keplerstr. 11, M 11.62
Oliver Parodi and Andreas Seebacher
Karlsruher Institut für Technologie, ITAS
Real-Words Labs: Leading the way from knowledge to action
08.11.2019, 4.30 pm, University of Stuttgart, Keplerstr. 11, M 11.62
Download detailed program here
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