Stuttgart Mitte findet Stadt!

Join us for a free and fascinating event dedicated to the sustainable future of Leonhardsvorstadt and Hospitalviertel in Central Stuttgart.

Students of our international master´s study program “Integrated Urbanism and Sustainable Design” have chosen these two historical Stuttgart boroughs as case studies for providing fresh impetus in the methods and principles of the sustainable transformation of urban areas worthy of improvement.

We are delighted to share with you the ideas and projects of our students. The exhibition will be accompanied by a keynote speech and an open discussion.

COOPERATION Partners: Department of International Urbanism and Institute of Landscape Planning and Ecology of the University of Stuttgart; Internationales Zentrum für Kultur- und TechnikForschung (IZKT / International Centre of Studies in Culture and Technology); Forum Hospitalviertel e.V.; Leonhardsvorstadt e.V.