SDGs GoGlocal! participated in DAAD Conference in Dar Es Salaam

SDGs GoGlocal! participated in the DAAD Project Leader Conference ‘Educating tomorrow‘s leaders to pioneer sustainable development – the role of academia’ in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania | 22–24 July 2024

How do ‘we’ – in the global North or global South – think about, act upon, and make liveable futures within global challenges in the frame of higher education programs? The conference brought together representatives from cooperation projects that are being funded by DAAD / BMZ in Africa.

The underlying principle of all projects are that to drive sustainable development within higher education technical abilities need to be complemented by soft skills combined with the ambition to link to practice and the labour market. Also, sustainable development needs to be contextualized to create impact locally. Next to a broad forum for networking amongst all projects and a set of valuable inputs and panel discussions, the conference allowed for peer-to-peer exchange in workshops and world cafés to discuss questions of scalability, knowledge transfer to society, politics and industry and discussion on challenges, models and solutions.

The SDGs GoGlocal! project was represented by Madelein Stoffberg (NUST), Jennilee Kohima (NUST), Mohamed Salheen (ASU) and Astrid Ley (USTUTT).