SDGs GoGlocal! field visit in Namibia

The first batch of the SDGs GoGlocal! Master Thesis Research Group just returned from their two-months field visit in Namibia. We are excited to get insights from our first four IUSD Master students conducting their theses on topics of public space, economy, community resilience and gender sensitive planning in relation to informality and informal settlement upgrading in the context of Namibia. With the support of our local partners at the Namibia University of Science and Technology (NUST), the Namibia Housing Action Group (NHAG) and the Shack Dweller Federation of Namibia (SDFN) the students’ research is contributing to building knowledge on urban development in Namibia and the localization of the SDGs. Within the last weeks students did not only go out to understand the urban dynamics, but have had the inspiring experience of working closely together with the communities.