Public Event: Namibia’s urban transformation: people-driven urban development

The Department of International Urbanism kindly invites all interested people to this public event taking place on 7 December in Stuttgart, Welthaus Charlottenplatz 17.

Sub-Sahara Africa is urbanizing at unprecedented speed. To address the dynamic urbanization process will be one of the strategic leverages for sustainable development both within the region as well as globally. The event “Namibia’s urban transformation” on the seventh of December at the Welthaus Stuttgart gives insights into Namibia’s complex urbanization processes and presents the work of the Namibian Housing Action Group and its civil society engagement in urban development. The event is part of the project SDGs GoGlocal! of the University of Stuttgart, the Namibia University of Science and Technology in Windhoek and the Ain Shams University in Cairo.

The event will be held in English.