The SI and IUSD are looking forward to welcome Stadtlücken who will talk about ‘Who designs the city?’- Anecdotes of digital-analogue interventions – a discursive conversation
In what kind of city would you like to live? And what makes a city livable?
With different methods and formats, ‘STADTLÜCKEN’ pick up these and other questions in their work and actions on different scale levels. Initiated by young designers of various disciplines, the non-profit association STADTLÜCKEN e.V. currently works in cooperation with the City of Stuttgart on a municipal experimental field: the urban square ‘Österreichischer Platz’. Here, citizens and neighbors can try out and evaluate together with the association which atmospheres and uses this particular square tolerates, what can be sustained and how different interest groups can live together in public space. In their lecture, the designers, urban researchers and activists Sascha Bauer & Sebastian Klawiter give insights into the activities and working methods of “STADTLÜCKEN e.V.” while discussing new perspectives on the role of the designer.
The Lecturer:
STADTLÜCKEN is a non-profit association initiated by young designers from various disciplines. It was founded out of a need to raise awareness of public space and city experience, and to promote a digital-analogue network for the joint development of a livable city. For this purpose, the citizens’ awareness of the cultural potential of their city should be strengthened and the citizens should be motivated to actively contribute to a livable urban and cultural landscape as charitable commitment.