“Pathways of Resilience: Institutionalising Informal Network of the Urban Poor”
Date, Time & Location
Thursday 12 May 2022 – 17:00 CEST | University of Stuttgart
Labor 8, K1 building, 8th floor
Meeting number (access code): 2732 816 9894
Meeting password: msCAPdnV935
Link: https://unistuttgart.webex.com/unistuttgart-en/j.php?MTID=mf8064f88df15ffc516a715a90c2e8bc3
In developing countries, cities are experiencing rapid urbanization with increasing informality affecting the urban poor to live in slums and squatters. Abating the issue, current participatory planning and collaborative actions are highlighting the everyday battles of the slum dwellers. This everyday life is a process of informality that relies on different attributes of social capital. The social capital which creates networking and synergic relationship among individual households within the neighborhood and with other stakeholders outside of that neighborhood often leads to favorable conditions for getting access to different service provisions. This lecture is an attempt to identify whether this networking process is resilient or not, and will highlight a vis-à-vis relationship between informality and resilience. Finally, this lecture concludes with a vision that transforming the capabilities of the urban poor to become resilient requires an understanding of resilience in an institutional perspective that embraces the notion – of ‘right to the city’.