The SI and IUSD are glad to welcome Jan Lutz, who will be talking about “The Power of Citizen Science“.
The lecture:
This contribution will exploit the possibility of public participation and direct involvement to promote transparency in local communities and to significantly promote open data in order to advance social progress. It will focuss on the case of the widely successful do-it-yourself fine-dust device, which contributes to open knowledge about the current environmental pollution exposure. These data are key to supporting informed decision making by public, private and civic actors to address the problem of air pollution effectively.
The Lecturer:
Jan Lutz is passionate about open data & open knowledge and ignited a grassroots movement dedicated to deliver real time fine dust metrics to measure the current pollution exposure in urban areas. To do so, he co-developed a do-it-yourself fine dust measurement device and guidebook, which hast been widely adopted and drawn international media attention across the board. He was also a change agent at the Reallabor für nachhaltige Mobilitätskultur at the University of Stuttgart.