Community workshop in Cape Town, South Africa

The department of International Urbanism at the University of Stuttgart is currently planning a community studio to Cape Town, South Africa from the 27th of October to the 3rd of November 2024.

This community studio will be conducted under the framework of a larger research project that the department is involved in (WISER – information below). The studio will be organized around the topics of co-production, well-being and placemaking in Monwabisi informal settlement in Cape Town. Field work on site will comprise of transect walks, semi-structured interviews and focus group discussions with members of the community and local partners. This community studio will be leading up to studio projects open for MA IUSD, MA Arch+Planning + BA in the Winter Semester of 2024-2025.

(WISER project:

Estimated costs
The costs of the trip are to be primarily borne by the students
Flight costs – ca 1,200 €
Accommodation – 250 € (prereserved)
Other costs – food, transport, entrances etc…

Motivational Letter

Please send us a 500-word motivational letter addressing the following points:

  • Why do you find this community studio intriguing?
  • Do you intend to attend the urban design studio (Entwurf) and seminar, which is associated with this community studio and will be conducted during the Winter Semester 2024-2025?
  • In one sentence, please state if your application depends on external funding or if you are capable of self-funding the trip*

*this information is only for internal organizational purposes in order to get an estimate of number of participants and the allocation funding that we applied for is not dependent on this statement.

Please submit the motivational letters latest by the 27th of June, 2024 to

If you are interested to hear more, you are invited to join us for our first information session which will be held on the 12th of June, at 14:30, in room 8,06, K1 building and online on WebEx.