
University of Zambia delegation visiting the Department

We are delighted to welcome a delegation of academics and students from the University of Zambia (UNZA) at the Department and deepen our partnership in research and teaching. Dr Gilbert Siame, lecturer and researcher in City and Regional Planning at the Department of Geography at UNZA, received DAAD… read more



The TRUE Talents project of the School for Talents brought together fourteen students from the MSc Integrated Urbanism and Sustainable Design and the MSc Architecture and Urban Planning at University of Stuttgart and residents of an informal settlement in Cape Town, Sout… read more

DASH partners visit Germany

DASH partners visit Germany

In September and October 2024, two partner organisations visited Stuttgart University within the framework of the DASH research exchange project. read more

DASH secondment in Serbia

DASH secondment in Serbia

Within the framework of the DASH research exchange project, researchers and practitioners from Portugal, Serbia and Germany came together in Serbia in August 2024 to discuss and learn from social and affordable housing practices in the different countries. read more

TRUE Talents project approved

TRUE Talents project approved

The Department of International Urbanism is honored to contribute to the University´s School for Talents from 2024-2025 with the project Transdisciplinary Research in Urban Environments – TRUE Talents. read more