Housing and human settlements in a world of change

This book addresses the challenges of housing and emerging solutions in international policy debates along the lines of major dynamics such as migration, climate change and neo-liberalism.

It explores the outcomes of neo-liberal “enabling” ideas, responses to extreme climate events with different housing approaches, and how the dynamics of migration reshape the urban housing provision in a changing world. The aim is to contextualise the theoretical discourses by reflecting on the case study context of the eleven papers published in this book.

Ley, A.; Rahman, A. U.; Fokdal, J. (eds.) (2020): Housing and Human Settlements in a World of Change. Habitat-International Series on International Urbanism, Vol. 25. Bielefeld: transcript Verlag

With forewords by Raquel Rolnik (University Sao Paulo) and Mohammed El Sioufi (UN-Habitat)
