The SI and IUSD are glad to welcome Dr. Nadine Kuhla von Bergmann, who will be talking about “Urban Change Agents: Civil Entrepreneurs as Drivers for Urban Transition Processes in Cape Town“.The lecture will be offered within the frame of the Cape Town Design Studio
The lecture:
What are “Urban Change Agents”? Why can citizen-based projects in Cape Town be acknowledged as transformative power to drive urban transition processes? How can the transition arena and the urban transition management system of civil actors be defined?
The lecture delivers insights into the motivation, goals, resources and tools used by Urban Change Agents to perform within transformative action fields (e.g. reuse and recycle, low-carbon mobility, urban agriculture, education). The range of impacts that Urban Change Agents’ projects are achieving are presented and the barriers preventing the projects from scaling are revealed. The Leitbild of a “Creative Climate City” is proposed.
The Lecturer
Nadine is the founder and managing director of the office “Creative Climate Cities” and currently appointed as interim professor for “Smart Urbanism and Digital Strategies” at the HfT Stuttgart. She is an expert in bottom-up smart city solutions, integrated urban infrastructure design and co-creation methodologies.
Nadine graduated in 2002 as an architect from the Kunsthochschule Berlin-Weißensee and worked in various architecture offices in Berlin and Cape Town before she joined the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) in 2011 to work on climate and energy strategy plans for Berlin. She became engaged in the BMBF research project “Young Cities” in Teheran, Iran and co-authored a book on Urban Design Approaches for Resource-Efficient and Climate-Sensitive Urban Design in the MENA Region.
From 2012 – 2017 she lectured at the department for sustainable urban design “CHORA Conscious City” at TU Berlin. In this position she led the applied research project “Smart Sustainable District – Green Moabit”, a European cities program focusing on smart district implementation strategies.
Nadine holds a doctorate degree at TU Berlin for her research on “Urban Change Agents” in Cape Town.