Dr. Ing. Dan Teodorovici

Dr. Ing. Dan Teodorovici

Dr. Ing. Dan Teodorovici

Senior Researcher and Lecturer, Architect

Telephone +49 (0)711 685 83975

Beaufort Visiting Fellow at St John’s College, Cambridge (UK)

since 2016
Senior researcher, Chair of International Urbanism, University of Stuttgart

PhD in History and Theory of Architecture, University of Stuttgart

Member of the Chamber of Architects Baden-Württemberg

Diploma at the University of Stuttgart, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning 

CV Summary

Dr. Ing. Dan Teodorovici is an architect trained at the Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning of the University of Stuttgart (1993-2000), from where he got his PhD in architectural history and theory in 2010.

Having initially worked as a practising architect, he later discovered his passion for teaching and curating as well as for the history and theory of architecture and urbanism. As a practising architect he has worked in Stuttgart and Paris, with his expertise encompassing projects of architecture, urban planning and landscape architecture. He has taught Urban Design at the Institute of Urban Planning and has been the ERASMUS co-ordinator of the Stuttgart Faculty (2003-2009), and later academic co-ordinator at the IZKT / International Centre of Cultural and Technological Research of the University of Stuttgart (2014-2015).

Since 2012 he has curated exhibitions in Germany, England and Romania, and his writings include publications in German, English, Romanian and Chinese. Dan Teodorovici is committed to the urban development project “Stuttgart Rosenstein” including the civic society project of railway infrastructural urbanism “Stuttgart Gleisbogen”. As a researcher at the Institute of Urban Planning / Chair of International Urbanism he was involved with the BMBF funded interdisciplinary project WECHSEL.


Teodorovici, D. (2024): ‘Ein rumänischer Weltbürger. Der Architekt Georges Cantacuzino’. In: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, E-Edition, Saturday, 29 June 2024: https://www.faz.net/aktuell/feuilleton/bilder-und-zeiten/der-architekt-georges-cantacuzino-ist-ein-rumaenischer-weltbuerger-19820559.html

Teodorovici, D. (2023): ‘Teaching for sustainability, inspirations from hybrid modernism’. In: Carlos Gotlieb & ENSAP Bordeaux & ADERA (eds), 15th Conference of the International Forum on Urbanism (IFoU) at the Bordeaux National School of Architecture and Landscape 2022: Internationalizing Education for the Ecological Transition Challenge: New Stakes for Sharing Knowledge and Acting in a Changing World. Conference Proceedings. Topic 1: “New interdisciplinary and intercultural approaches for facing global changes and their local impact”, Section D: “New visions on architecture and the city faced with the challenges of sustainability”, pp. 261–281.

Teodorovici, D. (together with F. Hartung, R. Dietz, S. Busch, J. Rensch, M. Ruddat, Y. Zahumensky, S. Oberecker, O. Platz, N. Anac & T. Kocher) (2021): Stuttgart am Neckar. Entwicklungsräume für die Stadt am Fluss. Integrierte Konzeptstudie für eine nachhaltige urbane Transformation des Stuttgarter Neckartals. Ed. by Landeshauptstadt Stuttgart, Amt für Stadtplanung und Wohnen, Abteilung Stadtentwicklung & Universität Stuttgart, Städtebau-Institut, Lehrstuhl für Internationalen Städtebau

Teodorovici, D. (2021) (together with S. Busch & R. Dietz): ‘Conflicts as catalytical elements in transdisciplinary knowledge production: Recommendations based on the research project WECHSEL’. In: TRIALOG. A Journal for Planning and Building in a Global Context, Vol. 137, Berlin 2021, pp. 24-30

Teodorovici, D. (2021) (together with R. Dietz & S. Busch et al.): ‘Scenario-based mission statements. Promoting sustainable urban development in the context of energy transition’. In: TATup (Zeitschrift für Technologiefolgenabschätzung in Theorie und Praxis / Journal for Technology Assessment in Theory and Practice), Vol. 30/1. Special Topic: Climate-neutral and intelligent cities in Europe, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT), pp. 29-35

Teodorovici, D. (with F. Hartung) (2020): Das ›ReserVoir‹ und die Internationale Bauausstellung 2027 StadtRegion Stuttgart. Chancen und Potentiale für Vaihingen (Enz). Eine städtebauliche Konzeptstudie. Edited by Maaike Sanders-Groeneveld, Vaihingen (Enz)

Teodorovici, D. (2020) (together with R. Dietz, S. Busch, A. Ley, M. Blesl, L. Brodecki, F. Wendel, C. Bahret, M. Ruddat, D. Lindner, Y. Zahumensky, R. Hahn, S. Oberecker, F. Hartung, H.L. Oediger, J. Rentsch & F. Gwildis):
“Weiterentwicklung der bestehenden Stuttgarter Energieinfrastruktur und resultierende Chancen für die nachhaltige Stadtentwicklung“ (WECHSEL). Endbericht des BMBF-Forschungsprojekts, Stuttgart 2020 (WECHSEL, Final Report)

Teodorovici, D. (with T. Sperle) (2018): ‘Nutzung und Dichte’. In: Baum, M.; Böhm, U.; Ley, A.; Schönle, D. (eds.), Lehrbausteine. Basiswissen für Entwurf und Planung. Stuttgart: Städtebau-Institut der Universität Stuttgart, pp. 151-166

Teodorovici, D. (2016): George Matei Cantacuzino – Modernismus Hibrid. Bucharest: Simetria; Tübingen/Berlin: Ernst Wasmuth Verlag. Original English edition (2014): George Matei Cantacuzino – a Hybrid Modernist. Tübingen/Berlin: Ernst Wasmuth Verlag

Teodorovici, D. (with J. Klegraf) (eds.) (2016): Von der Prag zum RosensteinViertel. Vom urbanen Kleinod zum lebenswerten Quartier am Stuttgarter Gleisbogen. Stuttgart: Karl Krämer Verlag

Teodorovici, D. (2015): ‘Professoren am SI 1964–2014’. In: Städtebau-Institut der Universität Stuttgart (ed.): Blick zurück nach vorn. 50 Jahre ›SI‹. Stuttgart: Städtebau-Institut, pp. 108-119

Teodorovici, D. (2014): ‘Zur Geschichte des Stuttgarter Gleisbogens und seiner Kulturdenkmale’. In: Josef Klegraf (ed.), Der Stuttgarter Gleisbogen. Urbane Landschaft und Kulturdenkmale im Vorfeld des Hauptbahnhofs. Stuttgart: Karl Krämer Verlag, 2014, pp. 20-45

Teodorovici, D. (2012-16): Travelling exhibition G.M. Cantacuzino – a Hybrid Modernist. Venues: Architekturgalerie am Weißenhof, Stuttgart (2012), Consulate General of Romania in Munich (2012/13), Architekturschaufenster Karlsruhe (2013), Romanian Cultural Institute & British Council, London (2014), Architekturmuseum Technical University Berlin (2015), Bauhaus Universität Weimar (2016), Cultural Centre Suceava, Romania (2016)

Teodorovici, D (2010-2011): Redesign of the inner courtyard of the Heidelberg University, located in the city centre. Project manager at Glück Landschaftsarchitektur Stuttgart