Josefine Fokdal and Manuel Heckel take part in EU project DASH

Deliver sAfe and Social Housing – DASH is an EU funded project under the scheme of HORIZON-MSCA granted for 48 months. It centers around safe and social housing as an important point of reference for an improved livelihood and a more socially sustainable future.

Recent decades have seen increasing social inequalities, more diverse demographic patterns, and changing preferences for many cities across Europe, with growing regional differences in housing needs across Member States. Given these conditions, the existing housing systems and types are being challenged all over the place.

Therefore, this secondment program seeks to investigate new and innovative ways of delivering safe and social housing across four countries: Denmark, Germany, Portugal, and Serbia. The four national Consortia includes representatives from academia, municipality and civil society.

DK:     Aalborg University (Project coordination), Himmerland Boligforening, Aalborg Kommune

DE:     University of Stuttgart, Universitätsstadt Tübingen, Dachgenossenschaft Wohnen Tübingen e.V.

PT:      Instituto de Ciencias Socials, Camara Municipal de Evora, Cooperative Integral Manga CRL

SRB:   Geografski Institut Jovan Civic SANU, Gradska Stambena Agencija, Udruzenje Urbanista Srbije

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